Brasília, capital of dreams

Resultado de imagem para imagem juscelino kubitschekSome say that Brasília was born of a dream by Juscelino Kubitschek. Others prefer to believe it came from a prophetic dream by Dom Bosco. But the truth of the matter is that the dream had been shared by thousands of Brazilians since the beginning of Brazil’s history. The first records about building a capital away from the coast date back from 1549. However, the construction of the new capital only became part of the Constitution after the proclamation of the Republic in 1891. Much discussion occurred after that. Several expeditions were sent to the interior in order to mark out the land suitable for the location of the new capital. But the dream only started to take place with the visionary Kubitschek, elected president of Brazil in 1955

Resultado de imagem para do congresso nacional IMAGEM DA CONSTRUÇÃOFacing, on the one hand, the extreme opposition of Carlos Lacerda and on the other hand a tight schedule for building the city, JK launched into the Cerrado. With the help of the great masters Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa, along with thousands of candangos, he overcame the improbable: on April 1960 the capital was inaugurated. On that Thursday morning, at 9:30 am, the Legislative Power was given a new headquarters: The National Congress Palace.


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