Petrobras Argentina - Coup

The company rolled up in Operation Lava Jet to Dutch Trafigura.
Resultado de imagem para petrobras na argentina
Pampa Energia, which bought Petrobras Argentina assets for a pittance on the last day of the Dilma government (May 2016), was only the company's temporary controller. The final buyer is a company co-opted with Lava Jato: the Dutch company Trafigura. The Pampa of Petrobrás Argentina bought for only R $ 897 million, a refinery, a network of 250 stations, a lubricants plant and a storage plant.
The assets that belonged to Petrobras would end up in the hands of the Dutch Trafigura for US $ 909 million, which is equivalent to R $ 270 million today.
The damage caused to the Brazilian state-owned company, only in the first sale of assets, is estimated at more than U $ 1 billion.
Trafigura was enrolled in the Lava Jato with Mariano Ferraz, sentenced to 10 years in prison for paying bribes in a contract at the Port of Suape.
10 months ago, Pampa offered the assets of Petrobras Argentina to Trafigura through the Citibank bank, which sought the market.


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