Inefficiency of Petrobras

To produce its 2.7 million barrels a day, Petrobras maintains 180,258 employees among effective outsourcers, who, on occasion, have invented a malandra strike such as the one that occurred on 05/30/2018, 72 hours, whose term coincides with Weekend. Chevron, which does not have a monopoly, has 61,000 employees, one-third of our state-owned company and produces the same 2.7 million barrels a day.

Instead of cutting costs and modernizing the state, Pedro Parente dollarized fuels to support Petrobras' inefficiency.
Exploring the Brazilians, with daily readjustments, Petrobras recorded a profit of only R $ 7 billion between January and March of this year.
Due to its inefficiency, Petrobras was almost excluded from the Forbes list with the 25 largest oil companies in the world. This is second to last.
By 2013, equipment boom, Petrobras employed more than 360 thousand people and had four outsourced for each own employee


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