Protest at the Confederations Cup - unwholesome purposes behind

14/06/2013 13h00 - Atualizado em 14/06/2013 13h45

Prisons, if it be done, will be done, "said Sandro Avelar.
Monumental Axis Group closed in protest against spending on the event.
Do G1 DF

Grupo fecha via em frente ao Estádio Nacional de Brasília em protesto contra a Copa (Foto: Isabella Formiga/G1)
The Secretary of Public Security of the Federal District, Sandro Avelar said on Friday (14) that the government of the Federal District will not tolerate demonstrations against the Confederations Cup in the region of the Mane Garrincha National Stadium on Saturday (15) days of opening event
In an interview with TV Globo, Avelar said police will curb protests. "We will act with the rigor necessary to be a day of peace and festivity. The whole world is watching us. (...) Prisons, if you happen to be done, will be done, "he said.
The Secretary held a protest this Friday in front of the National Stadium as the action of "troublemakers." With burning tires, protesters blocked traffic, causing reflection throughout the downtown area.

The Military Police estimated the presence of 330-400 people on site.

Popular Committee member of the World Cup organizing the protest, Priscilla Brito said the movement occurs as a repudiation of the money invested in sporting events. "It is absurd that such a large volume of resources to finance the canopy leaving starved key areas such as health and education," said Priscilla.
A text distributed by the protesters at the site says similar mobilization will occur in 12 cities in the country next week. They allege neglect of social and human rights in Brazil, which would be worse in preparation for crowns. They also claim that 250 000 people in Brazil have been removed or have suffered threat of removal because of the events.
According to one of the movement's leaders, Edemilson Paraná, 24, the group protesting against the use of public resources for sporting events.

A Japanese journalist national TV Tokyo in Japan who came to cover the Confederations Cup, said he was not scared by the demonstration. "I've been in major demonstrations in London and almost got shot the last time I was in Brazil," he said. "I understand that they are claiming that the money be better spent on education and other things." "Money is what there is political will, which is not a priority to serve those in need, which is the Brazilian people, who do not have what to eat, where to live and have nothing to wear, "said Edemilson. "The hospitals of the Federal District are without infrastructure and these people, who also is homeless, lives and dies in the line of hospitals. Government says it has no money, and we have seen that money and so we are claiming that this money that was used in the stadium is used for the benefit of those in need. "


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