In the poll, 76.67% of Internet users say they will twist by Brazil

Cerimônia de abertura dura cerca de 20 minutos (Monique Renne/CB/D.A Press)
Posted: 15/06/2013 08:45 Updated: 15/06/2013 08:46
A poll sponsored by Superesportes showed a surprising result about the support of the fans to the Brazilian team in the Confederations Cup. Only 23.33% of ears said they will cheer the team Luiz Felipe Scolari in the tournament that begins on Saturday.

For different reasons, 76.67% of the participants will not be on the side of Brazil in the tournament, which serves as a test for the World Cup 2014.

The survey collected 2,006 votes between 11 and 14 June at special section of the Confederations Cup.
See the full results below:

You twist the Brazilian national team in the FIFA Confederations Cup?

Yes - 468 votes (23.33%)

Not because I do not like the CBF - 500 votes (24.93%)

Not because I do not like Scolari - 77 votes (3.84%)

Not because I do not like any player - 134 votes (6.68%)

No, because I have no sympathy for selection only and I support my club - 827 votes (41.23%)

Enquete: maioria não torcerá pelo Brasil na Copa (Gustavo Moreno/CB/D.A Press)
Ex-técnico Dunga chega ao Mané Garrincha (Ed Alves/CB/D.APress)
Torcedores fazem fila para retirar ingressos (Daniel Ferreira/CB/D.A Press)
Torcedores de Rondônia aumentam a torcida (Ed Alves/CB/D.APress)
After a fire in front of the Mane Garrincha stadium, venue of the opening of the Confederations Cup last Friday, protesters returned to act in front of the stadium on Saturday, the day that initiates the tournament.
Around 400 activists protested at the end of Saturday morning in front of the stadium. The main "targets" of the protesters were government corruption and holding the World Cup on Brazilian soil.

Riot police arrived to close the street in front of the Mane Garrincha and ended up using tear gas to disperse the activists. Still, the protesters continued protesting the monumental axis with bands, choirs and clown noses against corruption in government and the World Cup.

Many joined in a chorus to protest against Fifa. "Fifa daughter of ..." they shouted.

"There are people who identify with the homeless, but there is a large amount of students and there are among them people who take advantage of the great events in order to show up and try to create turmoil, riot. We are working with a lot of awareness to prevent, not from for any action of violence. I think the situation is controlled.

The PM did a great job, got hold without using violence, "said Sandro Avelar, Secretary for Security of the Federal District, the" Globo News. "

"What we will not admit is turmoil, confusion. Dialogue is a mark of our government. The situation was well controlled and access to the stadium is going normally. Amidst protesters, there are people who riot to create a traumatic situation. A Military police have managed to control the situation perfectly, without violence. 3,500 police are enough to lead this event, "added Avelar.


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