Changing profile-HOME in Brazil.

In Brazil, this emptying this kind of professional has been slow and gradual.Studies shows that this category has had a growth in their purchasing power which we will see in the data listed below as research conducted.
In Varjão-DF, the largest economic force of the city is in that category.The city has one of the largest percentages of domestic workers of the Federal District.

Some families, however, face this new reality by assuming responsibility for the home maintenance tasks. The housewife Neide de Oliveira Mota Kokubo account that for years no longer has a diarist. And economic issue, despite also having heavy in the decision, is not the determining factor for the family, which has income compatible with the class AB. "don't think right having to pay for someone to clean my house," he says. In the family home live six people – besides Kokubo of Neide and her husband, mother-in-law, 85 years, two sons and a daughter-in-law.
According to the researcher of the Ipea Luana Simões Pinheiro, this new home division of work already starts to appear in the statistics of Pnad. "The household chores, even though from time to time, begin to no longer be the exclusive task of women and housewives." According to the Pnad, 90% of women carry out domestic tasks against 50% of men. While they dedicated 8:0 pm downloads in these activities, they spend half.


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